Full of mixed emotions, between high school drama and commotion, and celebrating 7 months, some people can be cunts, I don't like ultimatums or choosing sides, the best relationships endure thru both low and high times, I find the 9 to 5 grind, divides hearts and minds, where best friends become estranged, the one constant is things always change, it's how we adapt, not letting distance or the weeks that lapsed, come between us, is as difficult as differentiating love from just lust, marriage takes guts, many think it's nuts, to be with one person, especially with over population lurking, there are a plethora of fish in the sea, speaking metaphorically, the trick is finding another who can put up and tolerate u, along with all the quirky pet peeves we have and do, I mean I know I'm crazy, can be stubborn and occasionally lazy, as well as a loud mouth, who loves to verbally spar and bout, to my own detriment, I'm trying to focus more on my betterment, growing and evolving, quietly problem solving, instead of being Mr. know-it-all, I too am a human who fallibly falters and falls, very far from perfect, can admit when I earned or deserved it a guilty verdict, cuz I fucked up, now the door's stuck shut, slammed in my face, feel awfully bad/disgraced, rather be sprayed with mace, and would do whatever it takes, to make things right, I stay away at night, thinking about what I did wrong, often express myself thru poetry or song, it would be a lie to apologize, so I guess it's my fault for the demise, I was never really a part of that group, meaning there's no loss to recapture or recoup, but that doesn't diminish my sadness, this world's being corrupted by chaos and madness, and we're all we got, like it or not, we need each other, I always considered u a brother, I'm sorry I don't care for ur wife, but like my song says "That's Life", "and the bullshit won't quit", so folks that's it, I won't be attending my besty's bday bowling party, and I'd imagine my invites will be rare and pretty spotty, but oh well, if u couldn't tell, I'm gonna simply move on, maybe our past moment was a fluke or a true con, driven by circumstance and dumb luck, do u find it hard to openly just trust, because of old memories, if so what's the therapy/cure/remedy, how do u not only forgive but forget, and not let that shit get u upset, I try not to hate or wish anyone dead, over analyze shady situations in my head, gotta learn to let it go, pick my battles and avoid low blows, sinking to a vengeful level, which reminds me how often war helps to settle, it doesn't, let me make that abundantly clear if it wasn't, since ignorance believes truth is moot, u can dispute proof, but claims of fake news have been disproved, perhaps ur afraid to be incorrect or lose!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail: joeconscious1111@gmail.com
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Pray For My Unforgettable Special Sentimental Exceptional Essential Pretzel/Soulmate
Please send hopes best wishes and prayers, to so many struggling loved ones we hold dear, whether financially burdened, or their health's hurting, this world's becoming a very dark and scary place, can't help but wonder and fear fate, the good are dying young, too much work and no fun, leaves the hard working poor stressed, debit and credit card debt's a mess, from being unemployed so long, my savings is gone, I can't even give to help, cuz I won't have enough for myself, why all the evil and hate, we are being disgraced, corruption is progressing, cuz of Trump I'm guessing, the deplorables are out in droves, infiltrating hearts and homes, so it's impossible to tell who the bad guys are, I don't need flashy jewels or cars, just wanna get from point A to B, fuck living in the lap of luxury, I'd rather remain humble and modest, a decent day job a partner and the ability to pursue music if I'm being honest, so I can afford an apartment with my man, he's my biggest fan, believing in me even when I don't, wish I had a cushion so I wouldn't be afraid to rock the boat, and go after my passion/dream, we make an undeniably sexy team, but mainly he is my rock, not just a big cock dom top, he's compassionate and caring, positively brave and daring, putting me first, not being able to reciprocate hurts, he melts the pressure anxiety and pain, yet his problems are driving me insane, I can't do anything so the frustration keeps building, I'm ready able and willing, to do whatever it is I have to, to increase our worth and value, he deserves a fair shot, but the odds are against him a lot, so he falls thru the cracks, I want him to know we unconditionally got each other's backs, thru the thick and the thin, I truly believe he will eventually win, not only get up on his feet, but thrive and succeed, he's so determined and driven, to never relapse or go to prison, he has not only changed but grown, it's not about what he has or owns, I love him just because, he is more than enough, fulfilling all my lust wants and needs, he should focus on what he eats and sleep, both are so so important, he comes off a bit like an orphan, cuz his family doesn't accept him nor treat him right, everyday they bicker and fight, belittle and insult him, yet I very rarely hear him sulking, I just want to do more, to help him be happy at his core, he's such an amazing guy, I'm super duper lucky I get to call him mine, he's a diamond in the rough/one in a million, he makes every moment I'm with him exciting and thrilling, our chemistry is electric, we're both so competitive, and in many ways complimenting opposites, he lifts my self esteem up from feeling like a fat ugly troll or hobbit, he's undeniably special, putting up with me when I'm a mental stressful vessel of a devil, a rebel spectacle that stubbornly argues and verbally wrestles, who'd never settle for a potential speckle of time together in our penciled schedules, he's got several fine essential qualities/exceptional credentials, and there's no one I'd rather be intertwined with like a pretzel, with a high level of sentimental, I often wonder if he was the real inspiration behind the song "Unforgettable"!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Monday, November 20, 2017
Uncivilized Totally Indecent
Can't ever catch a break, being doomed seems fate, basically I worked extra for free, sick of my mantra "whoa is me", it doesn't pay being nice, u get taken advantage of in this life, stepped on and walked over, yet still feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, just trying to get by, without the luxury of getting high, staying sober clear headed, has become mind numbing and dreaded, all I want to do is forget, the seconds minutes hours days weeks and years I have left, not that I'm promised, what's the point of being honest, if u lie cheat and steal u succeed, truth justice and inequality I no longer believe, it was simply a hoax, I'm blessed to have my folks, but cursed with luck, just stuck in the mud, covered in shit, sometimes I don't wanna live, it's too painful to face, the constant failure and disgrace, I bring about, so tired having to bout, to get what I deserve, and rightfully earned, instead I get slighted, if ur gonna borrow my rhymes I better be cited, at least given credit, there's so much I've regretted, like giving too much, I don't have enough, compromised and sacrificed for nothing, too trusting and loving, I'm basically an ignorant fool, a used and abused tool, for others to get ahead, but I've made my own bed, so I guess it's time to lie down, the lessons I learned are quite profound, no good deed goes unpunished, perhaps my works are destined to be unreleased and unpublished, I can't afford it, would be nice to be appreciated and awarded, but it seems to be only a pipe dream, I'll indulge in some more ice cream, at least I can temporarily be happy and fulfilled, which is a better alternative to crappy and ill willed, I wanna start spreading hate, cuz all I ever do is wait, for my turn to be ignored, I'm wish I could be one of Tupac's Outlawz, cuz hip hop today sucks, and the fans don't give 2 fucks, for talented lyricism with substance, they prefer videos like 2 girls 1 cup or of a celebrity/star receiving a blumpkin, society is plain gross, the sheeple are vain and morose, yet bondage and sucking on sweaty stinky toes comes close, most friends have turned foes, out of jealousy and spite, all the pollution's suffocated my bright light, so my smile is gone, humans are the devil's spawn, like a Cancer, when did become necessary for singers and rappers to be dancers, ya'll always want more, maybe the rich are whores, selling their heart and souls for wealth, I'm exhausted playing the hand of cards dealt, I give up, evil runs amok, and no one cares, we're ruled by fear, can't conquer the ego, we need a new credo, cuz the golden rule doesn't apply, empathy's awry we're uncivilized, totally indecent, we've lost value worth and meaning for no reason, what if Trump did commit treason, can't turn back time or change the season, how do we stop the hemorrhaging/bleeding, I've been kneeling reeling begging and pleading, but God won't take any meetings, seems impossible to shatter that glass ceiling!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Let's Make Earth Great
Looking to help, inspire myself, lately I've been feeling down and depressed, like I'm less than best, which is actually just fine, perfection is similar to the horizon line, receding as we approach, perhaps I need a life coach, cuz this relationship, got me hating shit, like gossiping rumors, swastika humor, offensiveness isn't funny, I'm not always smiley nor sunny, got a wide range of emotion, what's all the commotion, not all gays are pedophiles and not all pedophiles are gay, Kevin Spacey came out the wrong way, and set our community back ages, Dems are finally winning some races, it's about damn time, evil has been stoked and primed, ruling thru fear and hate, let's make Earth great, not just one country, I miss music that's soulful and sultry, with some intellect and depth, most these rappers and singers are inept, when it comes to songwriting, videos are consumed with sexy thong sightings, cuz it's what sells, true talent's gone to hell, I'm sure Britney and Madonna are entertaining, but I wanna hear them vocally straining, instead of dancing lip syncing, concerts are more about drugging and drinking, I want fun experiences with substance, it's not size but circumference, how u work the girth, making love shouldn't hurt, was it pleasurable, success and happiness are immeasurable, and have nothing to do with wealth, never shelf ur health, ur body is ur one and only temple, it's not a rental, appreciate what uve got, like it or not, God made u beautiful, ur morals ought to be immovable, where's our ethics and pride, so many epic classic artists have died, yet nobody's stepping up, fuck skills it's who u know and dumb luck, the industry like our government is greedy and corrupt, awww shucks it's rough and tough, cuz ur not buff enough, trust u need that 6 pack lust, can't be short bald and fat, people closest to u will stab u in the back, for fortune and fame, commence the blame game, they're mad u didn't share with them, what will it take to get me to care again, poetry is my therapy, to get the better me, reread and observe, solutions and answers lurk, somewhere within, when will the healing begin, criticism makes me defensive, fulfilling my dream's expensive, humans don't use history to learn lessons, failure can ironically be a blessing, it's how u react, stop rationalizing with alternative facts, no matter how hard u try, u can't justify a lie, when the truth's aloof, it breeds fools and goofs, who in turn produce ignorant slaves, we desperately need to existentially elevate and change our ways, before we're doomed and it's too late, don't have the luxury to wait, I've heard ya'll say ull pray, religious extremists are intertwined with the KKK, black white guy girl trans gay bi or straight, we all must unite together to alter our destiny/fate!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, November 10, 2017
Heart Of Gold With A Whole Lotta Soul
I'm not the easiest person to have a relationship with, tho true love takes work it's a rare gift, nothing is perfect, it's ok to make a mistake if u learn from it, I'm a hot headed loud stubborn Italian, and boy is my man a stallion, can cook kind and considerate, many may think we're illegitimate, but we're 100% real, we don't care to hear ur judgments or how u feel, unless it's a compliment, we don't need no marriage certificate/document, to validate what we have, when he gets hit on I just laugh, cuz I know u ain't got a chance, I wish I could better dance, since he loves to do that, he's super supportive and always has my back, believes in me even when I don't, sometimes I regret what I said and wrote, cuz it was out of anger, it's sad when a good childhood friend becomes a stranger, fame brings fortune along with danger, but since neither one of us could afford Patti Stanger, we used Scruff, he claims to have zip tie cuffs, which I find hot and sexy, the best thing about him is he gets and accepts me, we gotta figure out how to agree to disagree, be together monogamously yet still be free, to live some semblance of our old lives, I hate that I'm sometimes the cause of his hives, I stress him out, when we constantly bicker and bout, I'm naturally combative antagonistic and defensive, I find mere existence unnecessarily expensive and offensive, especially education and health insurance, fines and penalties should be a deterrence, not bankrupt people to go broke, the judicial system like government's a joke, in total chaos and ruins, the sheeple pay more attention to the Sox Patriots and Bruins, don't even get me started on electoral college elected Trump, he's turning this country into a dump, how can he make America great again when it never was, no one holds him accountable for the awful atrocities he says and does, the rich are somehow exempt, I refuse to be a robotic slave who's kept, I don't want or need no sugar daddy, I ain't no worthless dumb faggy fatty, I try to stay fit, seriously don't give a shit, if u like me or not, I give all that I got, to fulfill my hopes wishes dreams and desires, when people tell me I can't I simply reach higher, watch me prove u wrong, then write and inspire with another phenomenal song, I'm talented and skilled, can move u and give chills, very driven and strong willed, I pay my own bills, and still help others, treat everyone with respect like they're my sisters and brothers, got a heart of gold, this shorty bald white boy's got a whole lotta soul, wanna make this world a safer peaceful place, leading by example with poise dignity style and grace, so unique and different, time flies by in the blink of an instant, seize every opportunity and moment, take ur destiny back and own it, the power lies within, remember that in order to finish we must begin!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Thursday, November 9, 2017
A Catch & A Find
I know it seems like things are impossibly hard, fuck batteries wish the Energizer Bunny would charge his heart, my poor baby, there's no ifs ands buts or maybes, I promise it will get better, we can conquer anything together, focus on your health, while I work on our wealth, ur new job's only a couple weeks away, don't let ur hopeful positive optimism diminish or fray, ur stronger than u think, tho u feel on the edge/brink, it isn't over til that fat lady sings, u don't understand the amount of happiness and joy ur simple presence brings, I had given up, on ever finding true love, forget getting married, I don't wanna wind up Mariah Careyed, super successful but alone, I want us to make our own beautiful home, where u cook and clean, we have passionate kinky sex like fiends, but we both fulfill our dreams, an unstoppable team, ur the light of my life, with a big bear hug u melt the pain and strife, I miss ur kiss, being in ur arms is sheer unadulterated bliss, u inspire me, spark fire and glee, to warm my soul, time and space takes a toll, but it won't destroy us, this isn't just boy lust, tho ur my first, only u quench my thirst, believe me I've looked all over, u hold the weight of the world on ur shoulders, but u don't have to anymore, stand beside me on many tours, when I perform concerts in stadiums and arenas, if ur my Zeus I guess I'm Athena, I'm totally ok with that, knowing uve got my back, I can be brave, when I'm around u I have trouble trying to behave, cuz u make me so horny, awkward babbling and corny, I lose my nerve, being without u hurts, I've tried, lied and cried, ask myself why, what would I do if u died, never getting the chance to have that dance with my husband, I'm reluctant while he's untrusting, we both want a monogamous relationship of substance, I prefer karaoke bars over clubbing, quite the complimenting opposites, he wants country while I'm more metropolis, but there's always compromise, to homogenize our lives, nothing's perfect, but it's worth it, striving to blend, heal and mend, when fighting and bickering, our eternal flame's flickering, but refuses to burn out, every dead end is a turnabout, and when there's a fork in the road, a mountain or moat, flip a coin climb fly or boat, don't gloat, stay humble and kind, he's a catch and I'm a find, two peas in a pod, he's my king/God, I exist to worship, no cats cuz we're both allergic, Lucifer was the devil, and altho he's fun to revel, we are forces of good, knowing we did all we could, to make a difference, ignoring the gossiping and whisperings, following our guts, we'll dig ourselves out of any ruts, rise thrive and prosper, as fathers instill proper honor, whether naturally born or can adopt, either way we won't be stopped, there's absolutely no limits, but ya'll will be in awe when it's all said and done and we're finally finished!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Bout Doubt Obnoxious Unconsciousness & Incompetence
We all grow and evolve, changing is a problem like pollution that's not easy to solve, learn and adapt, don't get defensive and attack, cuz ur partner annoyingly nags, he's insecure about the excessive fb tags from fags and hags, it's all about trust, ur the one I lust, no one else, love urself, have hope and faith, our relationship would be great, if u focused on ur own plight and strife, ur lucky to find a soulmate in this life, that's more concerned with money materialism and wealth, than success happiness and health, why can't u chillax, my patience is filled to the max, I'm going to burst and explode, what would describe me better a fat ugly troll a meatball or toad, I see me as talented and beautiful, passionately driven not dutiful, I make music cuz it's my purpose, what did I do to deserve this, an existence plagued with epic failure, instead of hip hop and rap's savior, I'm unique and different, gay and white for instance, not gangster ghetto or hood, the middle class working poor are totally misunderstood, in debt cuz of forced education, being a kinky homo ruins my reputation, but don't doubt there's clout being out loud and proud, use words and lyricism to bout, obnoxious unconsciousness, what's with all the incompetence, I wanna connect inspire and relate, be considered one of the greats, not perfect or the best, refuse to settle for less, especially since I'm trying so damn hard, just cuz I'm sleeveless doesn't mean I don't wear my heart, I'm intelligent and smart, grateful for everything I've been given and got, I was raised right, I like being a "Beacon Of Light", which is my first track, do my songs have substance depth and a positive impact, that's what matters most to me, I can't afford to give away my art for free, I've invested too much, hate when people make a fuss, I'm just a regular person/average Joe, I do dream big tho, reach far "Beyond The Stars", not about mansions jewelry or cars, desperate for some fast cash, please buy my single "Monstah Mash", next up is "Keep Holding On", why don't we appreciate what we have til it's gone, and it's too late, wish I could predict my destiny/fate, I won't be ruled by fear or hate, how long do I have to wait, to become existentially fulfilled, can't start over again from scratch and rebuild, to be better the sixth time around, the repetitious grind is profound, for God sake, will I ever catch a break, why won't ya'll give me a chance, sorry not sorry I don't dance, but I can sure spit, a Gemini guy who's super sarcastic with pure wit, genuine straight forward and direct instead of obliquely cheeky, never meant to judge insult or be too preachy, that's not who I am, gimmicks and tricks are scams, I am 100% real, simply melodically express how I feel, always strive to do as I say and say what I'll do, we gotta collectively stay strong and true to let "Truth Love & Consciousness" "Shine Thru"!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Don't Rely On Drugs Bucks Or Luck Just Hugs & Love
Hate how money rules my life, it's the cause of most my anguish and strife, if only I had more, I'll tell ya'll what I'd use it for, to make conscious poetic hip hop music, I wouldn't be wasteful and abuse it, I'd share the wealth, focus on better health, could buy organic food, would I be considered shrewd, with it comes power and respect, I'd have to boost security to help protect, everybody wants some, perhaps I'd actually have time for vacation and fun, it's been years, paycheck to paycheck I'm consumed with fear, what if I lose my job again, I can't keep overextending family and friends, I'm even sick of me, wish education and insurance were free, like all the other first world countries, the hypocrisy of our capitalistic democracy isn't funny, it's tragically sad, and often makes me furiously mad, it's corrupt and greedy, why don't the 1% aid the 99% that are struggling and needy, no one said existence was fair, but their so selfish and don't even care, no one needs 5 cars and 3 homes, the majority of working poor can't get loans, the price of goods rises but not incomes, can't afford champagne to go with din sum, not that that sounds appealing, my art gives me a way of expressing how I'm feeling, and hopefully people can connect and relate, pray success is my destiny/fate, cuz I work extremely hard, expose both my soul and heart, putting it all on the line, with deep intellectually stimulating rhymes, it's not only my passion but my purpose, grow greater from experiencing things that hurt us, are u willing to go the length, and find ur inner strength, like love conquer all, get back up with u fall, and phoenixly rise, learn to compromise, but yet don't settle, mind ur own business u shouldn't meddle, focus on the present, altho the past is upsetting, it doesn't dictate what's to come, I won't forget where I'm from, stay humble and modest, genuine straight forward and honest, tomorrow is never promised, give the truth untarnished and unvarnished, there's no such thing as alternative facts, make sure u surround urself with real people who've got ur back, and won't stab u, do things cuz u want not have to, always try ur best, when u sin confess, we all are fallible and make mistakes, nothing's more annoying than fake flakes, ruining ur expectations hopes wishes and dreams, found my partner who works as a team, even when things are rough and tough, there's a foundation built on a whole lotta love, we won't ever give up, and don't rely on luck, tho it seems we're stuck and fucked, all we need is each other not dough or bucks, have enough materialistic possessions, I'm his and he's my obsession, we're addicted like drugs, and all my problems melt away with a kiss and a big bear hug!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, November 3, 2017
Should've Listened
Some people just aren't worth the energy, u can keep thinking ur more righteous and better than me, but I'm done wasting my time, gotta get back on my grind, focus on what lies ahead, I didn't mean it when I wished u dead, it was my hateful rage and anger, hope tho we finally become strangers, cuz I want nothing to do with u, I tried and tried and gave and gave like a stupid fool, should've listened to family and friends, thank God this toxic relationship has come to an end, I was looking for a way out, everyday was another bout, constant threatening emotional and verbal abuse, he pathologically lied manipulated and used, I guess that's what addicts do, love turned to hate so we both lose, I'm not mad I'm sad, ultimately happy and glad, filled with glee, cuz I'm single and free, I wish him nothing but the best, sick of feeling depressed and less, like I'm the bad person, I'll put my head down and concentrate on working, getting a full time permanent job, and ya'll should know the flowing poetry and music won't stop, it's my purpose and passion, inspiring the hope and faith I'm lacking, it's my therapy, diet and exercise is the recipe, to live a healthy life, without him around it'll reduce the amount of pain and strife, he was such a moocher, a trashy alcoholic loser, totally ungrateful, never thankful, couldn't acknowledge his flaws, watch as my career soars, just to prove him wrong, many out there love my songs, I'm far from perfect, but have value and worth it, I deserve more, so over the hostility and war, always having to walk on egg shells and tip toeing, tell u where and when I'm going, like a passive aggressive possessive insecure jealous control freak, ur destiny is dark and bleak, ur ceiling is my floor, I have my choice of windows and doors, while ur trapped in a padded cell, have fun living hell, cuz u get what u give, I won't forget nor forgive, u ruined the best thing u ever had, the epitome of a fag, such a shame u have so much potential, but ull never elevate evolve and become existential, ur not that profound, who even wants u around, enjoy being by urself, once u get insurance please get professional help, u desperately need it, ur soul's black like ur heart so u don't feel shit, ur ice cold empty and hollow, I lead u follow, riding coat tails, when it comes to achieving goals u failed, ur dreams are aloof, I live and speak my truth, cuz I've got guts balls and drive, I keep reimagining all those fake tears u cried, ur perpetual pattern has been exposed, make sure u wear protection when ur dumpster fucking those dirty hoes, now that we are officially over, my smile's bigger and brighter than ever from having that weight lifted off my shoulders!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
I Write To Fight Nice
People are drawn to passion, now is the time for action, find something to do u love, smile at a stranger or give them a hug, spread a lil light, war ain't right, salute soldiers' sacrifice, giving up their life, so we can live better, we're stronger united together, let's be brave and free, nobody will censor me, u get both the good and the bad, Geminis switch from mellow to mad, in an instant, everybody is unique and different, it's all about adaptation empathy and acceptance, I question if music success is destined, but I have unwavering hope and faith, my problem is I lack the patience to wait, however I'm an extremely driven hard worker, wish I was a talented twerker, would be great in my video for Monstah Mash, hasn't yet caught fire to help bring in that cash, I don't do it for money, my sarcasm is more cynical truth than funny, and comes off assholishly mean, fuck being discrete, I'm a loud out and proud gay, who isn't afraid to stand up scream and "Shout" now like Otis Day, similar to Kelly Clarkson I wanna "Move U", don't be ignorant naive passive sheeple/fools, relate and connect, pay attention who u vote to elect, this divisiveness is scary, no offense but I want a rugged masculine man who's hairy, it's just a preference, when debating facts it's wise to quote a reference, gives words weight and clout, Pence prefers no homos allowed, hence tolerating Trump, yes we're a melting pot but seems we're becoming a dump, unsustainable and wasteful, why do rappers gotta be ghetto gangster misogynistic prejudice trash instead of intellectually conscious and tasteful, there's no more lyricism, democracy disguises imperialism, it's really about centralized banking and oil, the millennial generation are too lazy coddled and spoiled, but impressively more socialistic, CO2 is great for photosynthesis, terrible for the ozone environment and global warming, conservatives don't believe or heed scientific warnings, taken back to the dark ages, time heals but never erases, follow Pac when rapping "we need to start making some changes", so politically correct nothing phases or enrages, prices increase steadily but not our wages, stop listening to the haters, baby boomers should retire already, X-Ambassadors hit the metaphor on the head with "Unsteady", meanwhile I wanna be more like James Bay and "Let It Go", instead of Truman this is called the "Joe Show", the world revolves around my perception, apparently I'm exempt from heaven, cuz of my sexual proclivities, most fetishes and kinks are rather taboo gross and silly, but who am I to judge, Congress needs to compromise and budge, courts should be fair and just, there's a fine line between love and lust, got guts, or are u another putz, watching countless opportunities pass by, what do they say about the last guy, oh he's nice, fuck polite, I don't use fists to fight, I write!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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