Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Can't Escape Urself

It's hard not to get discouraged, everybody comes with luggage, present becomes past fast, regret will kick u in the ass, always strive to achieve dreams, even as impossible as they may seem, I've surpassed many's expectations, when's my next vacation, I can't take a break from being me, nor can Mariah Carey, we become a product of our art, fickle people have trouble opening their minds and heart, most goals are left unfulfilled, instead of jealously resentful be supportive and thrilled, celebrate other's accomplishments, I'm often disgustingly mesmerized in astonishment, at the absurd amount of ignorance discrimination and hatred, truth justice equality and love are what's sacred, when will capitalism fall and corporate greed end, once we wake up to realize we only get by with a little help from our friends!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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