Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Game Of Monopoly/Life

What if it's all make believe, would u agree with me, or think I'm crazy, constantly compromising and settling is lazy, whoops a daisy, maybe weeds made my brain hazy, but it's grades better than alcohol abuse, being illegal is no longer an excuse, what evidence can anyone produce, excessive debt is killing more youth, that and religious oil wars, why bother keeping score, humanity has begun to implode, corporations are considered people but like robots have no heart or soul, take money out of the equation, redistribute wealth evenly amongst the total population, there wld be no more hunger and less waste, the spoiled have a skewed view of value and taste, some will do absolutely whatever it takes, to own 100% of shareholders stakes, defeating the purpose of a democracy, this isn't a game of fucking monopoly, there's no winner in this game of life, watch out getting stabbed in the back tho with a knife, cuz dough u know equates power, but in the end my friends it don't matter when u meet that fated final hour!

Peace and 1,

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