Feelings like moments pass, do u ever put ur foot in ur mouth or act like an ass, I do both on the daily, aint gonna let them haters derail me, I'm stronger than my insecurities, don't create expectation based on ur failures please, enough with this political correctness, wonder who the next president elect is, or should I say will be, if it's a republican someone kill me, this country's been going down the tubes, it's not pleasant or enjoyable being fucked without lube, enough with the nasty crude lewd attitude, ur straight up rude u prude, grow some balls, use the bathroom stalls, if ur gonna be a lil girl and cry about it, why do u always got to doubt shit, passion and faith are more than half the battle, grow thicker skin if ur easily rattled, life's all obstacles and hurdles, I know ya'll remember Steve but what about Myrtle Urkel, who was the bigger annoyance or geek, do u ever feel like each week is just on repeat?!
Peace and 1,
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