Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Colossal Calamity & Insanity

Having opinionated feelings, is not the same as justifiable reasons, people aren't like seasons, most lack purpose and meaning, impervious to change, fearful of the different and strange, play happy like house or God, don't act all surprised and shocked, I warned ya'll this would happen, us Bernie bros aren't laughing, or saying I told u so, congratulations America ur soul's been bought and sold, Trump has broke the mold, turned our democracy into a tyranny/reality tv show, I'm just devastated and disappointed, electoral college elected isn't anointed, u are no Jesus, more orange than Reese's Pieces, does he own stock in Rogaine, ur image like ur talk is plain profane, alt facts are disguised lies, how dare u question the authenticity of Senator Schumer's Holocaust tears cried, ur a despicable human being, proclaim the same voter fraud and cheating, that put u in the oval office as president, is clear cut and evident, not realizing we the people didn't vote for u, ur a fool without a clue, disconnected and detached, with an audacity that's unmatched, who really even gives a fuck about the facts, this is not how the leader of the great free world superpower acts, look at all the civil unrest, for 98% of the population this is a revelationary test, hold on to ur hearts and sanity, we haven't yet seen the extent to this colossal calamity, don't be a sucker/sheep, make more noise than a simple pimple or peep, riot and march towards chaos and anarchy, I won't apologize for my remarks that are sarcastic and snarky, according to the Constitution I have a right to free speech, seriously I can't wait til this clown gets impeached, the only bigger concern is his VP, who's a religious extremist and totally against the lgbt community, but enough with all the cynical doom and gloom, since I'm off the pot I may as well indulge in some antidepressant shrooms!

Peace and 1,


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