Friday, February 24, 2017

Puppeteering Pinocchio & His Mail Bride Ho

I like how Ruth described our country's symbol being better represented by a pendulum instead of the bald eagle, funny how both parties declare the other as inherently evil, all we do is go back and forth, meanwhile independents are overlooked and ignored, why not a 3 party system, when did Earth become a political prison, life has gotten so expensive it's ridiculous, Congress is just a bunch of fricken hypocrites, willing to cut our salaries and benefits, while steadily increasing what they get, I'm absolutely disgusted, the Trump administration should never have been entrusted, our legacy is slowly being whittled away and eroded, when he was announced the winner of the 2016 election my head heart and soul almost exploded, if ever I wanted to die, or try to commit suicide, it was more realistic than moving and/or leaving, I was still grieving from Bernie's loss and reeling, how we could let such an amazing candidate fall thru the cracks when he was right within our grasp, now we don't know how to deal with this pain in the neck/ass, I mean he is so clueless and disrespectful, still don't think tho not voting for Clinton is regrettable, I believe everything happens for a reason, he doesn't release his tax returns cuz it shows impeaching treason, by all means u can't even feed the poor or provide health care for all, conservatives preach fiscal responsibility yet are so gung ho for building this stupid wall, perhaps if it was made of solar panels I could understand, but God damn Steve Bannon the puppeteer man, with Donald as his Pinocchio, and his mail bride ho, who will be the single cause of WWIII/the end of days, teaching our children hard work no longer pays, but bankruptcy sure does, fuck bipartisanship handshakes and hugs, now's not the time for love just war, tell me what side of history ull be fighting on or for?

Peace and 1,

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