Friday, June 26, 2015

It's True Love Conquers All

What a way to wake up to a new day, no longer do I feel like a second class citizen for being gay, marriage equality was passed by the US Supreme Court, which struck many nerves heart strings and chords, all across the country everybody is celebrating, of course there are a few folks still sulking and hating, I say it's about damn time, I don't understand how discrimination exists in human consciousness and minds, we are all essentially the same, don't hate the players hate the game, I can't comprehend petty jealousy and greed, i dream like Martin that the whole globe needs to be equal and free, why do we as a species try to limit love, blame an invisible guy in the sky and pray looking up, it's kind of strange and pretty weird, wish leaders in power wouldn't rule using fear, imagine if there was such a thing as a care bear stare, do u remove unwanted hair with Nair, i know it's a random question, but what a unique invention, we are so smart yet it's impossibly hard, to make sure nobody is homeless broke or starves, where did the righteous virtuous souls go, compassion sympathy and empathy are at an all time low, seems the mentality is every man for themself, having hope and faith does help, but the point and purpose of life, isn't just making money and finding a wife, it's super progressive and cool same sex couples are now able to marry, they too have earned and deserve the right to be happy, I just appreciate being able to choose, true love conquers all so it can never be destroyed or lose!

Peace and 1,

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