Monday, October 30, 2017

Panic & Manic Antics

Trying to stay positive, means my fears and insecurities stay closeted, so no talk of failure or worthless, criticism often hurts us, especially when it's not constructive, my self esteem and confidence have been abducted, success hasn't yet erupted, fortune and fame are so seductive, but not at the cost of my soul, those lights can be so cold, can u put on an entertaining show, aerial dance or use a pole, distract fans with whistles and bells, sure sex sells, but I'd rather rely on talent, no matter what my effort was valiant, I gave it my all, seems I'm at a dead end/brick wall, I don't want to make anymore music, ur judgmental opinions are borderline abusive, stop poo pooing my ideas, ur anger and frustration's out of fear, just cuz u have unfulfilled desires dreams and ambitions, doesn't mean there isn't time to transition, if u don't like ur life than change it, ignore the uncomfortable strange shit, but don't avoid the improbable, nothing's impossible, unless u give up before u even try, guys it's ok to be vulnerable and cry, it doesn't make u lesser than, or a gay man, that's ignorant thinking, I'm starting the whole peace sign and middle fingering, as a symbol of unity and love, I really don't give a fuck, if ya'll are insulted or offended, wish ur minds bended, so u can understand my perspective, he may not be who I elected, it's what we got tho, go with the flow, if u don't like than fight, voice what u believe is right, there is always a choice, hard to hear with all the white noise, so be loud and proud, don't let negativity shroud with doubt, conquer stereotypes and misnomers, dis those trollers, do not allow strangers to effect u, anonymity can protect too, please refuse and refute the powers of evil, be careful of naive sheeple, they don't know any better, me and u together, are stronger than hate, take back our destiny and fate, we decide, shouldn't run and hide, stand tall, get up when u fall, it happens, follow ur heart's passion, answer ur calling, quit bitching and stalling, those with balls and guts aren't nuts, we've all been stuck in ruts, strive to thrive, be thankful we're alive, grateful for another day, follow thru with what u say, ur reputation is only as good as ur word, watch Mariah slay at the Grammys singing "Fly Like A Bird", it was absolutely amazing and stunning, aren't ya'll tired of running, face ur demons, find ur meaning and reasons, what's ur purpose, I too get nervous, afraid to make a mistake, faint cuz I didn't take a break, to heal or recover, balance may never be discovered, just like equilibrium or perfection, every single human being is a god sent blessing, embrace our differences and uniqueness, don't be consumed by mediocrity's bleakness, money awards and medals, aren't what makes a person special, it's the deeds, do ya'll actually listen when someone speaks, what about the lyricism in hip hop or rap, keep falling for the tick tock trap, yet another illusion, the constant chaos and confusion, causes mass hysteria and panic, enough with the conservative's manic antics, capitalism's got jealousy and competition rampant, socialism is about collective enhancement, not just for the wealthy few, the elderly and poor deserve to be affordably healthy too, society is becoming disgusting, look at the politicians we're entrusting, treating the majority like we're nothing, government is terrible at budgeting, lining their own pockets, why does catastrophic atrocity have to stop it, the bad behavior, I truly believe Bernie's our savior, he was the only one talking substance, had perpetually fought for equality and social justice, marched protested and rallied, why can't we find our happy, seems our legacy is lost, logically value equals cost, but the truth is aloof like the answer, let's eradicate HIV Alzheimer's and Cancer, homelessness hunger and poverty, unnecessary greed really bothers me, there's enough to share and go around, the death of the dollar yen euro and pound would be profound, so we'd have to rely on trading and bartering, this new history we're carving is alarming harming and so not honoring, what our four father's had envisioned, we need to break free from being enslaved and imprisoned!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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