Saturday, January 31, 2015

Multiple Mini Metaphors

Traffic is a mini metaphor for life, there's an over abundance of aggravation stress conflict and strife, people have no idea how to drive right, i hate late night street lights, unnecessary stop signs, no passing zones and lines, we need more accidents and licenses taken away, to stop relying on technology to pave our way, since when can a gps, really know which route is best, even then most move at a snails pace, coming back home seems like such a waste, I've run out of faith, I'll find some magical super paste, that'll glue the pieces of my shattered heart and soul back together, with the power of love anything can be weathered, i think yall have the wrong assumption of me, i actually have way too much patience with everybody, I've reached my proverbial straw/breaking point, I'm wicked pissed jaded and annoyed, simply put...ive phucking haddit, my humanity switch is turned off and I'm one outspokenly mad rapping phaggot, who's gonna succeed just to spite u, just cuz i love u all doesn't mean I have to like u too!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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