Saturday, January 31, 2015

Rock Bottoming

Finally hit rock bottom, and all I can do is hope I get pardoned, I've made many mistakes and bad choices, how do u not get overwhelmed by the options and voices, I've lost my sense of right and wrong, anxiously awaiting that one hit song, I don't know how much longer I can hold on, smile keep my head up and stay strong, every day seems to be getting worse, can't see or think thru the hurt, my parents just worry they can't believe in me, please dear God give me permission to have an over abundance of money, not for power or greed, simply so I can help others in need, without it my life has no value or worth, gay sex is immoral cuz it doesn't result in a birth, i didn't realize to be successful u had to be a jerk, sell ur soul to the devil with a pay grade equivalent to slave work, perhaps it's time to move again, but then I think about my family and friends, and I slap myself saying joe this masochistic self sabotaging needs to end, figure out how to make urself be #1, stop thinking so damn much cuz ur missing all the fun!

Peace and 1,

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