Saturday, January 31, 2015

Metaphorical BDSM Session

I'm so used to doing everything alone, never feel like I'm supposed to when home, I just wanna run away, I'm pretty damn afraid, no one around here really knows me, takes time to find their own wants and needs, misunderstand reciprocity and intimacy, I'm seriously questioning intelligence and literacy, how else can I say or spell it out, I'm about to say fuck polite political correctness explode throw down and bout, god gave us two eyes ears and a mouth, learn to use them please, instead of being an unavailable tease, holding that retractable bait, u ignorant selfish narcisistic ingrate, ur rejected love turns to spite and hate, bravo's next reality tv show stars JC in an entertaining rap gladiator game, problem is tho this joe doesnt want fortune or fame, people enjoy watching others squirm and suffer in pain, everybodys superficial and vein, full of catholic guilt and ridiculously judgmental, play god like house pirched high on their self righteously entitled pedastal, I'm starting to get the impression, being human is a blessing, experiencing constant conflict and testing, a mix of discipline pleasure tickling and caressing, my fetishes are like chastity and the lack of release is perpetuating a depression, the universe's harsh lessons, are causing insecurity and resentment, got me wondering pondering and questioning, maybe this is all just one big metaphorical bdsm session!

Peace and 1,
Joe Consious

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