Saturday, January 31, 2015

Faith Keeps Us Safe

Lately I've been learning to love life, trying harder to be thankful and appreciative making it thru another night, waking up and taking that first breath of the day, reminds me to focus my energy in a calm composed way, u see people can be evil spreading so much hatred, altho I only see the best in everyone and belive they're good natured, perhaps they're just goin thru difficult times, and when it comes to expressing themselves maybe they are shy mimes, with the inability to talk or speak, ignorance and miscommunication is what makes our species weak, on top of lacking sympathy empathy and compassion, the only action is when there's a fire lit under their ass and, it's punishment time which includes whippings and lashings, ur ass will be red as hell and the pain will be long lasting, better that tho than being crucified like Jesus, we need a better Avenue to resolving grievances, besides if I were tied to a cross I'd probably pop wood, losing control can absolutely positively feel real good, i mean isn't that what religion teaches have faith, if u listen to and follow ur heart and gut...He will always keep us safe!

Peace and 1,

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