Sunday, August 11, 2024

God's Stupidly Foolishly Beauty

Got to spend yesterday at the beach, I didn't inherit the ability to teach, I just do, like mom taught me to u get thru, no matter how hard it is, handle ur business, everything will be ok, tho it isn't easy being gay, it's not my identity, I'd never mean to harm or offend intentionally, that's simply not my nature, I ain't no judgmental hater nor an alienator debater, let people be, everyone goes thru shit we don't know about nor see, mind ur own beeswax, there are such things as truth free and facts, why should we pay to be born and exist, what the actual fuck is this, where's utopia's socialistic peace with universal bliss, but not for only a select few, capitalism's unsustainably cruel, money's an illusion when we define our own trade and success, humanity has createdly made one giant hot miseducated mess, but then again perhaps that's actually God's beauty, and man can't or too stupidly tries to understand foolishly!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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