Monday, August 19, 2024

Never Ever Forget I'm Beautifully Blessed

It's been a couple days, and I'm still in a haze, just feels weird, not having my mom dad or sis here, only me now, I don't know how, or better yet where to go next, really thinking back west, but it's all a matter of timing, this journey of life is hilly and winding, with my guardian angels, I finally feel like success and happiness are being dangled, actually in grasp/reach, but since I can't teach grief, I love how my poetry and music, is turning out to be pretty therapeutic, helps others and myself get thru, cuz when push comes to shove there's only what u do or don't do, won't wallow nor crumble, remain kind and humble, the future's bright and the best is yet to come, I'll never ever forget the beautifully blessed family I'm from!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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