Friday, August 16, 2024

Life Right?!

How do u define a life, I feel like words can't do it right, ur light could never be out of sight or mind, a better family is impossible to find, is that why I chose blood, most guys are duds, not even on my level, if I'm pot ur kettle, far from perfect, but definitely worth it, genuinely loving caring and loyal, treat all peeps like they're authentically royal, with kindness and respect, this pig actually tries to serve and protect, pleasing and saving the world, yes gay but still love girls, cuz they have high E.Q.s, I've never been a teacher tho I just do, and that's not to be arrogant or cocky, I'm about to top the hip hop charts with my poetry and nobody's gonna stop me!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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