Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Unkempt Me Almost Empty

Gotta respect her wishes, never been the type to vicariously live thru pictures, I hold the memories in my heart and head, can't imagine too much time left, these two weeks will be the hardest, feeling cardless, like I'm waiting on my next hand, does God listen to our willfull commands on demand, I'm struggling so deep, there are points I wail and weep, almost uncontrollably, my spirit doesn't seem holy, kinda ironic death's an angel, life is being slowly strangled, watching this all unfold, is making me bitter resentful and cold, so I try to shut up and isolate, I don't wanna spread hate, yet I have no control, this unrooting is drastically effecting my essence and soul, how can I fill this hole that's almost empty, y'all about to meet and see the real unkempt me!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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