Thursday, September 7, 2023

Revolt Against Humanity's Insanity

It's not the love that's replaced by hate it's the like, jamming out to Tina sanging "I Don't Wanna Fight", realizing I wasn't mad at u it was the whole situation, I'm sorry for breaking and my angry venomous reaction's presentation, I had to self protect, at least match ur disrespect, we can't agree to disagree, so u do u and I'll do me, maybe with time and distanced space, we can heal enough the hurt's somehow magically erased, it's sad this feels like a finite goodbye, and I'm walking away wondering why, it didn't have to end like this, with our powers combined we could've lived in financial security's bliss, just like dad and G wanted for the both of us, unfortunately I'm being forced to only rely on a shit ton of hope and guts, like Trev and I discussed it's my time to lean in and leap, start sowing knowing my value is not defined by how much I inherited and/or vs reaped, but what toxic cycles did I not repeat, do u intend to thieve harm or cheat, the rest gotta give to God, which I am not, remember and accept my own humanity, and revolt against societal normality's insanity!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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