Monday, May 27, 2024

Do 42

Officially 42, more focused on what I wanna do, for the rest of my life, which is spread love and light, speak consciousness and truth, many people's passion and purpose are aloof, and that's totally ok, I always say my superpower's being gay, it really does get better, especially if ur a go getter, be a trend setter, approach each day as trial by error, u find what works right, by figuring out that which u don't like, but I'm not gonna lie, confronting fear ego and pride, often gets the best of us, growing nuts and guts, takes tremendous bravery maybe even ignorance, I hope y'all are ready to confront a bunch of hypocrites, zombies vampires and sheep, who need to see in order to believe, can't understand how they breathe, won't sow yet expect to reap, honestly I'd say I learned not to help, cuz no good deed goes unpunished and the only one who u can fix save or change is urself!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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