Sunday, May 19, 2024

Yum Fun & Then Some

Had a weekend of fun, solicialized with pot booze shrooms and then some, even got a lil wild and kinky, my sneaks be extra stinky, since I wear em sockless, I'm not heartless, I won't subject others to that, esp those who have my back, on the real, don't care how u feel, man smells excite me, sniff and suck but don't bite freely, I find meditational therapy in squirming, who's putting me in bondage hurting, gently rub my cock balls feet and nipples, better yet strap me down for no mercy tickles, I need to be desensitized and just laugh, success and happiness shouldn't involve math, be more grateful for what we have, the only thing to control is how u react, never yuck another's yum, pay no mind to bums nor dumb dumbs, cuz u never know, not everybody reaps from what they sow, usually those who've worked the hardest, aren't producers or labels but in fact the starving artists!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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