Friday, May 3, 2024

Fuck The Queens' Misandry

How can u say u have pride, yet hide behind a disguise, I have more respect for mimes and clowns, super sick of all the misandry I've experienced til now, queens hoarding the attention, queer live performers don't even get honorable mention, let alone paid opportunities real support and reciprocity of love, y'all need to grow the fuck up, elevate and transcend, eradicate toxicity and try to achieve enlightenment, cuz ur acting like bottom feeders, moochers whores and leeches, I've lost respect for ur lack of character and dignity, choosing coin over community is not only silly, it's hurtful and hypocritical, no wonder why so many are bitter and cynical, drag is for talentless self proclaimed royalty, who apparently have no honor or loyalty, hurt people perpetuating trauma, used to play nice but quite simply I don't wanna, y'all burned bridges expecting a rescue boat, enjoy ur castled tables protected by deadbolted doors barred windows and a moat, lay in ur delusional illusions, with what ur choosing u miss what ur losing, me, too bad hindsight is 20/20, we're way passed that, #facts, it's 2024, and I won't tolerate this bullshit anymore!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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