Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nepotism/Sheer Dumb Luck Just Sucks

I don't know why, but having the hardest time, writing rhymes this month, it's usually not only healing but fun, helps sharpen my skills, tho my art doesn't pay all my bills, I've planted many seeds, someday they'll hopefully grow like weeds, would like to get double digits, life throws many curve balls pivots and divots, just to fuck with us, cuz success takes drive nuts and guts, but never underestimate a pussy, they too can be quite dominant alpha and pushy, messing with cubs ull feel the wrath of their mama bears, the patriarchy has no empathy and simply doesn't care, they def don't wanna hear about ur emotions and feelings, I can't break past these gatekeeped glass ceilings, I'm drained and exhausted, look at the talentless fortune and fame whores y'all consumers exalted, ur role models suck, replacing passionate substance with nepotism/sheer dumb luck!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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