Monday, May 20, 2024

Mr. Nice Guy's Died

Mr. nice guy's died along with my mom, I now give 0 fucks/no qualms, of saying what I want and need directly to people, this idea we should get therapy is both neglectful yet capitalistically evil, follow my lead, communicate directly, I'm so over it, done shouldering shit, handle ur own business, stop being hypocrites, enough is enough, I understand real friendship and love, cuz I have and give it reciprocally, nobody can weather a storm precipitation free, since when rain falls, it touches all y'all, but of course me too, how am I perceived the fool, I can look myself in the mirror, and confidently say there's no son superior, I phoenixly rise, every single damn time, no more resentment nor regret, I can truly and honestly say I always tried and did my best!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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