Thursday, July 27, 2023

Can't Control Growth

We are collectively distracted and misguided, why do the powerful act like they don't always try to hide shit, but the truth eventually comes out, some day way or how about now, cuz I'm exhausted and drained, too much overstimulation to our brains, I'm not yay or nay I simply remain open, just cuz I disagree doesn't mean anti is what's been chosen, it's ultimately my decision, to listen to criticism and dissenting opinion, rejection helps develop thick skin, everyone wants wish fulfillment, especially winning the lottery, but what really bothers me, is this rampant privilege mixed with entitlement, our education system doesn't teach us the ability to reach or achieve enlightenment, it's more repetitious memorization passing standardized tests, creating a generation of unempathetic robotic soldiers who slave away to pay debts, education like health care should be free or at least cheap, same as it is in other first world countries, capitalism is out of control, effecting the globe as a whole, there can't be endless exponential growth, what if money and religion are a hoax, UFOs are no joke, marijuana is way better than tobacco to toke/smoke, prove me wrong, if u don't like mine write and perform ur own damn poems and songs!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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