Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Overwhelmed At The Helm

I am so overwhelmed, tho I'm at the helm, I'm not the pilot steering the ship, I come across as handling it, but it's alot, my mom's all I got, too much responsibility and pressure, I feel completely tethered, living her life, suffocating my own light, and I'm getting panicked, gimme a massage that's tantric, I need release, why can't I peep please me, give myself the help of grace, I miss the bliss of being awed and amazed, where did all the inspiration go, artists giving dissertations choke, what they say lacks substance, instead of average or median focus on a human's circumference, not just one moment, if u make a mistake own it, isn't there any accountability, u can slip in and inject wisdom into comedy being sarcastically witty, since truth is often said in jest, does mama or papa know best, I miss my big sis, and if I had one wish, it would be to trade places, I wasnt dealt pocket aces, so I can't make magic happen, while ur asking laughing, as I share my dreams, of selling out stadiums after winning Grammys, who defines what's possible vs probable, keep wondering if my destiny's unstoppable, can we change our fate, or is having free will fake?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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