Sunday, November 26, 2023

Understanding Planning & Branding What Fans Are Demanding

Ur bud came in such clutch, I'm just about to finish it up, thank u again, ur the bestest friend, since we were four years old, we've always been close bros, thru all levels of life, pain heartache and strife, nothing stays the same, but the love's never changed, I got ur back like u got mine, with an alpha by my side I'll be fine, I am safely free to be me, which doesn't mean I ain't sarcastically teased, some gay jokes get a reprieve, but a lack of a sense of humor's my biggest pet peeve, afterall a ton of truth is often said in jest, most comics artists and musicians would ace a hot mess test, we're all simply running around, naive ignorant and willfully unprofound, especially in hip hop, where racism and ageism won't stop, they're still so homophobic, confusing ghetto gangster with heroic/stoic, it's seriously damaging fans' understanding, my intricate conscious planning, of candid poetic rhythm and real lyricism branding, a god given natural talent I think the whole globe's nostalgically demanding!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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