Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Fun One

Never would've guessed, I'd grow up to be traumatically blessed, there is beauty in the ruins of us, gotta truly trust in ur guts, cuz only u, know what's the best thing to do, even if it's against the grain, why train the brain, when it can't feel, do we actually know what's real, happiness success peace or love, is all of the above enough, I just keep hoping I'll find that one, who makes this adventure called life finally fun!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My Not So Brief Grief Spurt Work Hurts

Today marks the one month anniversary of my mom's passing, I'm so grateful of all the love and supportive distractions, whether food booze or company, I will persevere resiliently and triumphantly, to honor thy father sister and mother, this whole experience has made me rougher and tougher, I've gotten much thicker skin, when many people never even try to begin, until it's too late, u just can't be great, it takes consistent persistence/work that hurts, wouldn't call it a simple brief grief spurt, since it's been 6 long years, losing and unrooting those I hold most dear, of course I am deeply effected, this life isn't something I elected, I do my best, but why haven't I proven I too can pass this test yet?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Congratulations Ryan & Nancy

Been going thru way too much grief, but u both give me such hope relief and belief, in divine timing finding love, neither of u two late bloomers ever ever ever gave up, so there's no tears here today, I'm glad u finally found ur way, right into the arms heart and soul of each other, nothing's more inspirational than watching two beautiful lovers, making that solemn vow, someway somehow, thru sickness and in health, whether poor or accrued wealth, walking this life together, for worse or better, just journeying and enjoying this cazy rollercoaster ride, side by side, with ur fur babies Duke and Winston, even we can't help but smile within an instant, they're there living their very own progressive definition of family, while some say marriage is straight insanity, I think it's the quintessential epitome of amazing grace, a magical transcendent bond beyond time and space, that can never break or be erased, all I can say is congratulations Ryan and Nacy on this ur fabulous wedding day!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can't Math My Path

Perhaps we're a habit of creatures, stay tuned cuz we're finally getting to the feature, time to build my epically legendary legacy, becoming a much better me, with each day, embracing the gay, it's strange but ok, I think I've found my way, off the beaten path, fuck new math, I can actually see, how one plus one equals three, gotta bend the mind's eye, maybe like me that means get high, mother plus father makes a child, ponder that for a lil while, that's a straight perspective, mine gets lost in the collective, and I am not loud, proud that I won't shout, simply adding to the noise, some say I have a soothing voice, so stop read and/or listen, we all have the power to manifest the life we envision!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Monday, September 9, 2024

No U.N.I.T.Y. Without U & I

It's noticeably changing season, understanding things happen for a reason, grown up alot lately, can tell from being cracky and achy, I feel different, didn't happen in an instant, it was gradually consistent, but I inherited so much resilience, I keep getting up again, like Pink sings "not broken just bent", usually with Mary Jane, numbing the pain, fogging my brain, helps me stay sane, in a chaotic world, dodging what the universe hurled, constantly testing, almost as if it's vetting, who's the chosen one, and when the voting's done, did we pick the right candidate, that is anti hate, a true representation of u and I, let's bring back that classic Queen Latifah track "U.N.I.T.Y.", bridge the divide, ride the tide, no matter how high or low, ull find that goal of a gold road by following ur own soul, cuz behind the veiled curtain lies the truth told/exposed, unfortunately death's just the way life goes and how it all unfolds!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

U Don't Need To Agree With Me

Took some time away from creating art, while I tried to heal my heart, grief is a beast, but at least, I had tons of love and support, friends don't usually get divorced, perhaps cut off, reverse flame to a moth, that's what I am, fall for gullible on the ceiling scam, dupible, incomputable, tho when it comes to raw talent, super genuinely humble and valient, all about authenticity, sick of hypocritically consistent complicity, especially politically, which simply sickens me, deep to the core of my soul, capitalistic fortune and fame isn't my ultimate goal, I'd rather relate touch inspire connect and help elevate, settle for nothing less than spectacular/great, it's within me, even if u don't agree!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 