Saturday, September 21, 2024

God Damn Man Anthem

Gotta trust in my hope and faith, that it'll all be not ok but great, should always do ur best not just ur job, when u take no pride in ur time nor effort ur another worthless slob, haven't u any value, living only cuz u have to, makes life rather hollow and empty, the shit I've been thru u ain't exempt from b, best believe in grief, the feeling never leaves, wound up taumatically blessed, wouldn't ever forever ever have guessed, but I've got no more guilt and shame, once u realize like Pac the levels and the rules of the game, it's pretty much looking thru the rear view mirror, I quadruple dog dare ya, to bet against me, playing intro Joe entrancely, what's ur anthem, leaving em all God damn man!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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