Tuesday, September 17, 2024

My Not So Brief Grief Spurt Work Hurts

Today marks the one month anniversary of my mom's passing, I'm so grateful of all the love and supportive distractions, whether food booze or company, I will persevere resiliently and triumphantly, to honor thy father sister and mother, this whole experience has made me rougher and tougher, I've gotten much thicker skin, when many people never even try to begin, until it's too late, u just can't be great, it takes consistent persistence/work that hurts, wouldn't call it a simple brief grief spurt, since it's been 6 long years, losing and unrooting those I hold most dear, of course I am deeply effected, this life isn't something I elected, I do my best, but why haven't I proven I too can pass this test yet?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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