Saturday, September 7, 2024

U Don't Need To Agree With Me

Took some time away from creating art, while I tried to heal my heart, grief is a beast, but at least, I had tons of love and support, friends don't usually get divorced, perhaps cut off, reverse flame to a moth, that's what I am, fall for gullible on the ceiling scam, dupible, incomputable, tho when it comes to raw talent, super genuinely humble and valient, all about authenticity, sick of hypocritically consistent complicity, especially politically, which simply sickens me, deep to the core of my soul, capitalistic fortune and fame isn't my ultimate goal, I'd rather relate touch inspire connect and help elevate, settle for nothing less than spectacular/great, it's within me, even if u don't agree!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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