Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can't Math My Path

Perhaps we're a habit of creatures, stay tuned cuz we're finally getting to the feature, time to build my epically legendary legacy, becoming a much better me, with each day, embracing the gay, it's strange but ok, I think I've found my way, off the beaten path, fuck new math, I can actually see, how one plus one equals three, gotta bend the mind's eye, maybe like me that means get high, mother plus father makes a child, ponder that for a lil while, that's a straight perspective, mine gets lost in the collective, and I am not loud, proud that I won't shout, simply adding to the noise, some say I have a soothing voice, so stop read and/or listen, we all have the power to manifest the life we envision!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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