Sunday, June 23, 2024

Believe In The Resilency Of Humanity

Don't miss out on blessings, protecting a lesson, accountability is the answer, I wonder if neglect or internalizing causes cancer, show urself the love, ur so easily giving up, yes we all make choices, most won't listen to voices, even their own, u can usually get a hint of context by the tone, that's why communicating via text, is probably not the best, cut off contact to the toxicity, life is beautiful and full of possibilities, remain open, faithful always hoping, things will work out, even when we don't know how, just gotta believe, in the resiliency of humanity, right when they seem down for the count, something happens to turn shit right around, never achieving perfection, instead of diversity find and focus on intersection, we are more alike than not, should've learned from T2 not to trust AI and robots!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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