Monday, June 24, 2024

Can Man Understand God's Plan

As life goes on another day, I try to find my way, thru all the chaos and grief, I have this unwavering faith/belief, it's all going according to plan, maybe humans aren't meant to understand, u know the bigger picture, just when u think certain people are staples or fixtures, God calls upon them, causing shock and astonishment, even if ur prepared for the worst, there's no way to determine how ull feel when ur bubble's burst, and everything immediately changes, may seem weird but I connect better with strangers, they see me without the baggage, and I'm not judged for my bad habits, like I'm a brand new clean blank slate, still torn between free will or fate, am I the passenger or the driver, does true power come from within or someplace higher?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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