Monday, June 10, 2024

No PC Speak Freak

Stay strong and positive, don't compete for who the calmest is, I'm not afraid to freak, no politically correct speak, just raw directness, I hate overprotectiveness, but I'm the baby, was always told no more than maybe, made me resilient, sometimes I feel creatively brilliant, yet remain humble and kind, try to pay no mind, instead give gratitude and grace, love can never be a waste, where does it go tho, I'm such a bromo, socially asexual very demi, we can totally disagree and not be ur enemy, watch out for ur energy, and most importantly mindfully focus on ur life's legacy, cuz that u can control, with everything that has happened I'm back to being an old soul, fighting for the greater good, becoming better ok with being grown much wiser and still misunderstood!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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