Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Low For Old Joe

Hope isn't all lost, imagine how much faith cost, yet churches don't pay taxes, the matter of fact is, I'm tired of never catching a break, this optimism seems forced and fake, give it to me straight, is there an end date, or does this linger perpetually, I can't process these emotions intellectually, and my heart's shattered numb, like I've gone dumb, no longer know how to react, it's too hard to smile or laugh, how do I deal, doesn't feel real, but yet this is the reality, we all eventually become a casualty, there's no exception exemption or protection, if we only get to ask God one question, why all the suffering, I get that it's toughening, I can't handle anymore tho, the past 6 years I'd like to forego, I've hit a new low, and I don't know if I'll ever again be like the old Joe!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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