Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Thrive This Pride

This year's theme for Pride is "Thrive", often wonder if I feel lucky to be alive, since outside our comfortable bubbles, it's the same old troubles scuffles and struggles, and I'm not trying to be pessimistic or negative, speaking truth is imperative, but how do u cut through all the noise, remain stoically strong and poised, when we forget and neglect empathy and compassion, it's time for the truly talented to take action, every queen needs a leather daddy/rap king, the greater good needs to prevail again and win, my sexuality is not my identity, being an original artist is not something I only pretend to be, I'm the genuinely authentic real deal, in a community full of hurt people I'm here to heal, using my art to welcome whoever u are, reflecting both my raw hip hop soul/blackheart, how do I make everyone feel their safest, in any and all places and spaces, breaking boundaries by building bridges, let's be consciously aware that homosexuality has always existed and isn't a choice nor illness, we've come a long long way tho so let's appreciate where we're at too, no more settling for tolerance cuz anything less than acceptance is disrespectfully uncool, let's at least mindfully try to better strive, in letting go of ego I hope we learn how to finally thrive this pride!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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