Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Side Kick To Spit It On Thick With

So lucky and blessed to know, that I have a soul bro, like we've known each other in multiple lives, fuck coincidences when there's too much that coincides, growing up and into who we are, no matter the different traveled paths we're never too far, that we can't find an intersection, catching up thru blunt confessions, maybe a few new beautiful introductions, cuz when life's just shit and sucking, ain't nothing better than a night out in the city, wiling wicked all loosy goosy intrusively trippy with me, I'm never too busy, it ain't easy getting rid of me silly, cuz "I'd find u", like that Wedding Crasher chick said to the dude, we Gemini peeps be legit crazy, just don't make me, there's always a reason, behind the people pleasing, lies a revolutionary reactionist, recreating this poetic musical magicness/bliss, leaving everybody in awe of it, wanting more of my shit, but with a ride or die, right by my side, we're powerful enough to make a real change, but y'all keep thinking we're simply land of the misfit toys strange, the pariah messiah and his philosophical side kick, both eloquently equipped with deep creative quick wit to spit on thick!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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