Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gotta Believe We Can Manifest Our Dreams

The most powerful statement is I am, and u should follow it up with the best u can, cuz that's how manifestation happens, I bet many of u are laughing, but it's the gods honest truth, so many people are aloof, especially to the fact, that they too can conjure a similar magical act, but dream big, change the way u think and live, instead of a 9 to 5, I wanted to write and perform music til the day I die, every day I awake, I listen to songs and get baked, which is far from perfect, being sad and miserable all the time ain't worth it, takes so much negative energy, no wonder trust can't be built if everybody's ur enemy, sounds like ur the problem, stop just wanting superstardom, u need a hard work ethic, persistent consistency is the metric, sounds like y'all want fortune and fame, u see to me life isn't some game, it may be delirious, I take each day very serious, trying to make a conscious effort, never to be hopelessly desperate, instead have faith and believe, there'll come a point where ull eventually be validatingly heard felt and seen!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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