Monday, July 8, 2024

Won't Break And'll Be Ok

Most don't have a clue what I'm goin thru, u don't have to be an asshole to prove ur an alpha dude, what's worse than needy is wanty, if I wasn't there for my mom it would haunt me, even tho she's so frail and looks uncomfortable, she resiliently warriors thru the painful struggle, she's my spirit animal/inspiration, and sometimes that's rather kinda intimidating, cuz my whole family was amazing, but what a huge transformation, over the last 6 years I've made, never ever thought to quit nor cave, I stayed strong, kept holding on like the lyrics of my song, I always knew Jackie, when push came to shove had me, just like Trev Ryan Eric Mari & Cait, with great unconditional friendship and love I know in my head heart and soul I'll be ok and promise I won't break!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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