Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Plight & Strife Of Life

Today mom has chemo, as far as we know, her floor had an outbreak of covid, as if cancer wasn't hard enough to cope with, the woman can't catch a break, why is suffering humanity's fate, is the afterlife our reward, how long will we be mourned, does that define us, what's behind trust, is it hope or faith, I hate funerals and wakes, been to way too many, is there any sort of penalty, if like pets we get put down, why isn't death dignified like a crown, so much fear of the unknown, instead of having to listen to u bitch and bemoan, stop trying to escape, just run and hide away, ull perpetually be tested, God doesn't care how much uve invested, there's no toll, nor any reliable poll, that can properly judge, it's wasteful to envy and begrudge, own ur life, cuz there's nothing more character building than overcoming plight and strife!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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