Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ladders Matter When Angst Is Ranked

Regaining the will to live, but being mindful how much I share and give, cuz I gave way to freely, never been super touchy feely, I do love intimacy and affection, don't need protection, except from myself, shouldn't be too prideful to ask and accept help, we only get one life, something about virtual reality and gaming just ain't right, yet another illusion of escape, most kids are filled with misplaced rage and hate, chalk it up to pubescent angst, does anybody like being ranked, in my own lane, and it's hard to stay sane, this industry is rough and tough, success is when preparedness meets opportunity and luck, which I simply haven't had, can't take shit personally or think I'm bad, money and popularity won't matter, ultimately my talent and skill will get me to the top of the hip hop/rap ladder!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

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