Life is a yo-yo, imagine if everything was bogo, and what that would do to revenue, animals instinctively know to go to higher ground not for a better view, but for overall safety and survival, I don't consider rap artists today rivals, I have my own lane, not interested in playing the record label game, I'm independent and self sufficient, want my reputation to be wordsmith who's classically brilliant, with a work ethic that's diligent, my rise was like I'm an epic magician, miraculous and fabulous, blasphemous and ravenous, yet no callousness passionless tactlessness or savageness, based on old school emcee style talent and skills, murderous rhyming that slays and kills, metaphorically speaking, never stop dreaming or believing, fuck receding or retreating, my fans are existentially relating connecting and meeting, on a whole other higher level, true hip hop's soul and essence has been disheveled, nothing left but lousy imitators, time wasters and haters, get outta here with ur pop garbage, perhaps I'm too brutally conscious real educated and honest, try to stay humble and modest, cuz slow and steady will get me the farthest, I want more than just 15 minutes, rather my concerts be small and intimate, no lip syncing or Jerry Springering, but plenty of peace signs and middle fingering, cuz that's "the JC Salut" which is my signature sign, if good things take time, then phenomenal shit takes forever, with my love by my side together I'll be better than ever, I'm not sarcastically sassing joking or boasting, look at those wanna bes simply coasting, riding coat tails, then the industry wonders why there's failing record sales, digital plain sucks and exploits, buying cds brought so much joy, with artwork pics and lyrics it was a tangible package, what's happened to activist's inspirational moving music is simply tragic, there's no more uplifting messages with substance or positive fighting spirit, they may listen to songs but don't actually hear it, the booming bumping bass clouds and shrouds the words, we're dooming society by inflicting a stifling curse, the next generation's being numbed and dumbed down, the long lasting effects of which is devastatingly profound, art has sparked revolutions, we need to resist and persist against greed and the corrupt institutions, which paves the way to systemic racism sexism and slavery, the lack of empathetic neighborly united bravery is unsavory, wonder who are next savior will be, cuz we're unable to see we're experiencing dire straits majorly, and in my opinion the catalyst was Trump, the world is still astonished confused and stumped, our country/currency's going down the tubes, people think Americans are arrogant pompous and rude, getting our just deserts and what we deserve, history repeating's meaning is I guess we've never learned!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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